The historic and geographical analysis of the exploration of the landscapes of Ternopil region had being made during the second part of 20th century. We would like to state that one of the first explorers of Ternopil region landscapes was M. Chyzhov. It was him who made up the first landscape map where he pointed out the types of districts and stows and the landscape areas as well. The generalizing exploration of landscapes of the western part of Ukraine, including Ternopil region, is the monograph “The Natural and Geographical Division of Lviv and Podillia Economic Regions” in which the main types and kinds of the landscapes are characterized. The schemes of physical and geographical subdivision into districts worked out by K.I. Herenchuk of the region are analyzed. According to these schemes “the natural geographical regions” are distinguished, and “natural districts”, “physical geographical regions” and”districts” in their measures are distinguished as well. On the scheme of the physical and geographical subdivision into districts by L. Voropaiy the zonal and azonal items are represented (physical and geographical provinces, physical and geographical regions, physical and geographical districts). As a separate physical and geographical region the Podilsky Tovtry is subdivided. During the 70-80 years of the 20th century the great part of attention was paid to distinguish and characterize the physical and geographical regional level units. The large scale explorations and mapping of the local level units are found in the works of some explorers (M. Orel). Based on the results of the up-dated landscape explorations made in 80 years, on the district and regional geographical level the detailed physical and geographical subdivision into districts of Ukraine has been made. The improved physical and geographical subdivision into districts scheme and map of Ukraine (2003) has been analyzed. The problem of the physical and geographical subdivision into districts is still remaining as a challenging issue.

Key words: landscapes, landscape regions, physical and geographical regions, physical and geographical districts, local level units, regional level units, physical and geographical subdivision into districts schemes


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