Volodymyr DESIATNYK.


There was examined the paleo-geomorphological development of the watershed Stokhid-Goryn during the Oligocene. In addition, there were analyzed the conditions for the formation of its series. It was found that in Mezhyhiria and Berek times, this territory was marked by distinct paleo-geographic conditions, as evidenced by different facial formations. It was also confirmed that in early-oligocene epoch, particularly in Mezhyhiria time, sediments were formed in desalination pools with shallow depth and unstable water regime. In the late Oligocene, namely, Berek time, sediment accumulation occurred in the conditions of the sea basin devolution: in the coastal and continental conditions, particularly in estuaries, in the rivers’ deltas and their valleys, lake waters and cretaceous karst-depressions. First for the researched area, there were compiled dissemination maps of the above deposits. There were established borders of the spread formations of Mezhyhiria and Berek Suites and analyzed their thickness. Depth of the Mezhyhiria deposits gradually increases from the south-west to north-east, which is consistent with the overall angle pre- Mezhyhiria surface and, conversely, depth of the Berek sediments increases from the north-east to south-west. This is caused by the development of continental conditions in Berek time and regional tectonic instability. The biggest meaning of Mezhyhiria deposits thickness are situated in paleo depressions, which is caused by cycles of regression and transgression of the sea basin and erosion of the large part of them in Mezhyhiria time. Berek sediments reach maximum thickness in areas of discontinuous tectonic disturbances.

Keywords: Oligocene, Mezhyhiria suite, Berek suite.


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