Vladislav HARBAR


The gross of chemical compositions of rendzinas of the Podilski Tovtry have been studied. Correlation oxide content of chemical elements of the most important mineral part of the rocks and soil rendzinas study area was defined. Rendzinas of the Podilski Tovtry are characterized by a high content of CaO and SiO2 and heightened content of Al2O3 and Fe2O3. Their total share in the range is 86.29–95.09%, which indirectly indicates about significant chemical homogeneity of parent material. In the soil thicker of rendzinas, compared with original parent material, was detected relative accumulation of SiO2, that is caused by inertia silicon oxide to the processes of physical and chemical weathering, while oxides of calcium and other alkaline earth elements, actively are being handed down within genetic horizons, due to intensive leaching and decalcification. The most intensive processes of the dissolution and leaching are developing in the brown pararendzinas of the Podilski Tovtry slopes, due to lithologic (lower resistance to weathering of rocks) and biogenic (predominance of forest vegetation) features of these parts of the Podilski Tovtry. The indicators of alluvial processes are reaching maximum values in these soils. Absolute values leaching indicators factor increases with the depth to parent material, which indicates of more intensive development process of intra-soil weathering of the highest part of the soil profile, the results of these process are dissolution and removal of carbonates in the lower genetic horizons. The largest quantities of removal (EAr) characterized oxides CaO (up to 99.52% in the upper horizons), MgO (to 96.88%) and Fe2O3 (to 66.45%).

Keywords: Podilski Tovtry, rendzinas, gross chemical compositions, pararendzinas, leaching.


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