The article deals with reasons of mass migration of Ukrainians from their native ethnic lands and made an ability to develop nostalgic tourism. The interpretation of nostalgic tourism by various authors is defined, including different types of nostalgia. Also, the article deals with the reasons of such tourism, as for instance, the population exchange between Poland and the Soviet Ukraine, right at the end of World War II. The development of nostalgic tourism is more obvious in countries where mass migrations were in progress during some historical periods. According to some scientists, nostalgic tourism is often used as a synonym of ethnic tourism, but the goals of such traveling are different. This particular kind of tourism isn’t new but the right definition it has received over the last few decades. Participants of this kind of trip are people who run with specific, relative affair due to the ethnic places of visiting. Within the article we have mentioned different types of nostalgia such as: Slavic, Kievan Rus, The Zaporozhian Cossacks, Ukrainian Hetmans, World War I, Sich Riflemen, World War II, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Ukrainian state (UPR, ZUNR independent Ukraine), Ukrainian antiterrorist operation (ATO). Studying different types of nostalgic (sentimental) tourism and its causes shows that within Ukrainian territory the historical period of Ukrainian statehood preserved unique monuments of various nations, who have left their ethnic lands for some circumstances and in a way gave a push to develop such kind of tourism as nostalgic (sentimental) tourism. The most common are: family nostalgia, military and political nostalgia, which include monuments of military events, tourism migration, structural types of Ukrainian statehood, historical information on the formation of individual states (from Kievan Rus to the independence of Ukraine).

Key words: nostalgic tourism, ethnic tourism, sensitive tourism, deportation, mass migrations.


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