The article deals with the problems of formation of inter-territorial settlement systems of Nikolaev region. In 2002 was issued the Law of Ukraine “General scheme of planning area of Ukraine”, one of whose tasks is to ensure that each citizen (regardless of his place of residence) obtain equal conditions of availability of public service institutions – administrative, cultural, recreational, educational, and others. In addition, the law provides for the formation of settlement systems of different rank. In this connection, we face to the problem to analyze of features of formation of inter-settlement systems. It was found that in the territory of Nikolaev region, consisting of 19 administrative districts, stable intra-connection formed inside Pervomaysk, Voznesensk and Nikolaev inter-territorial settlement systems. It was proposed to create new Noviy Bug inter-territorial system of settlement wich is based on 3 north-east peripheral areas of the Nikolaev region. The paper presents the characteristics of quantitative indicators of rural settlement of each of inter-territorial system. It was found that Nicholav inter-territorial system is the largest both in terms of area and population, also has the best record in population dynamics. While inter-territorial settlement systems based on agriculture, have the worst results. In general, all inter-territorial settlement systems of Nykolaev region are characterized by a decrease in population. To stabilize the demographic situation and seize the socio-economic conditions, it is necessary to develop a population policy that would meet the strategic objectives of regional development and would take into account elements specific to each particular region.

Keywords: regional area, settlement system, urban structure, inter-territorial settlement systems, reference frame moving.


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