Veronica GRYTSKU.


The article deals with substantiation of bases aimed to help form clusters of rural green tourism as type of self-employment and social-economic activity in rural localities of trans-border regions. With the use of the Ward’s method, a dendrogram for administrative rayons of the Chernivtsi Oblast was constructed and analyzed. For the purpose of development of clusters of rural green tourism in the oblast that represents a trans-border region, the Department for Entrepreneurship in Tourism suggested that some additional indicators were considered in the analysis, namely, initiative, innovation, integration, information, and interest. Available regional trans-border tourism resources such as climatic conditions, landscape, water, fauna and mineral resources were analyzed and assessed. Territorial structure of natural reserve fund of the Chernivtsi Oblast was given a thorough analysis. Following a Porter Diamond model, a component structure of the “Welcoming Bukovyna” rural green tourism cluster was composed. The cluster management process is suggested to be realized through functions of planning, organization, motivation, and control which represent a basis for the formation of structure of managerial system and its components’ interaction, as well as define the essence and the content of managerial activity on all stages and levels of management. The scheme of the mechanism of cluster’s interaction with the authorities and their structures is suggested and analyzed. Rural green tourism clusters are expected to become generators and give a boost for the development of some other types and forms of economic activity of the trans-border region. These would include agricultural enterprises, folk craft industry, informational-educational sector, transport and building industry, etc.

Key words: cluster, sustainable development, rural green tourism, employment, tourism resources.


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