In the article the results of carbonate soils underdeveloped, which are influenced by woody, herbaceous and agricultural plant formations on edyuviyi-delluvial carbonate rocks. The review of studies and publications relating to the subject. Descriptions of modal areas. Posted and analyzed the data content, inventory and distribution of humus profile depending on different conditions of formation of the studied soils. There is a clear differentiation of the studied soils humus content depending on their formation in different heomorfohenno-phytocoenotic conditions. Rendzinas formed under cover of perennial herbs are the most humus content. Soils that formed under woody vegetation have very low humus content. Overall condition of underdeveloped rendzynnyh humus soils characterized by the following features: low humus content, which is mainly concentrated in the upper genetic horizons. Power prohumusovanyh horizon is 10-20 cm. Deep, in transitional horizons, humus content decreases very sharply. The degree of humification of organic matter is low, as evidenced by the presence of two layers of vegetable Precipitation: first – last year’s litter of brown color, which has not lost anatomical structure; second – half-decayed litter dark brown and dark gray color. As well as the content of humus stocks sharply decreased with depth and focus in the upper humus-accumulative horizons. According Poorly researched stocks humus sod-carbonate soils refer to soils with low and very low reserves of humus.

Key words: carbonate, content of humus, stocks of humus.


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