The analysis of scientific publications on the subject of human transformation and the transformation of ecosystems Dzhurin river basin. We consider regional land features within the village councils Chortkiv and Zalischiki administrative districts in the Ternopil region Dzhurin river basin. The factors of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes of the river basin, calculated the proportion of land under natural and antropogenical vegetation and designed anthropogenic conversion factor (ACF) landscapes set of wildlife species within the village councils, analyzed ACF differentiation within administrative units. Three segments basin marked according to the analysis Dzhurin land use features. It proposed a system of measures to optimize land use is the environmental protection measures: all hydrological objects take custody as a place of traditional public water; to certify all the stored natural objects as components of local ecological networks; combined with local communities to create the post of Inspector-resistant wildlife and environmental protection and to create a public basin committees to maintain the ecological state of the river basin ecosystems.

Keywords: land fund, land, lands, environmental management, human factor conversion, anthropogenic transformation, optimization of natural resources, protection of nature.


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