Transboundary biosphere reserves as a form of combination of nature protection and recreational activity are investigated. Biosphere reserves are special areas that are created according to the special provisions of the UNESCO and where the preservation of biological and landscape diversity combined with the sustainable development of the territory. The place and importance of recreation in the structure of functioning of transboundary biosphere reserves are determined. It is set that among other types of objects of nature protection territories development of recreational activity acquires a priority value in the buffer zones of biosphere reserves. According to international norms and legislation of Ukraine, on the territory of this zone is maintained tourist and recreational activities, aimed at both reducing the tourist load on the protected zone, and increasing tourism and recreation attraction of transit area. The present recreational potential of transboundary biosphere reserve «Western Polissya» is described. The presence on the territory of TBR «Western Polissya» a significant number of recreational and tourist resources and cultural and historical monuments related to a common historical past, is a precondition for the development of Ukrainian-Polish-Belarusian cross-border cooperation in the sphere of recreation and tourism. Perspective is the full-scale use of possibilities of development of scientific and ecological tourism within the limits of biosphere reserve. The directions of development of recreational activities within the transboundary biosphere reserve «Western Polissya» are offered. Implementation of the proposed directions of development of recreational activities in the transboundary biosphere reserve, aimed at ensuring the ecologically balanced development of tourism, will enhance recreational use of natural resources in border regions, to promote economic and social development and the living standards of the population of these territories. Development of recreational and tourism sphere has an economic value and will promote the popularization of transboundary biosphere reserves among the wide circles of  population.

Key words: transboundary biosphere reserve, nature protection activity, recreation, tourism, sustainable development, cross-border cooperation.


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