In the article, we analyzed the anthropogenic impact on the forest landscapes of Rivne region. We have identified factors that directly and indirectly lead to negative consequences in the forest complexes of the region. We described the consequences of continuous and unauthorized cutting of forests for plant groupings. We analyzed the consequences of illegal amber mining, which leads to the formation of „lunar landscapes” and to changes in the functioning of the components of landscapes. We identified the main enterprises that pollute the air and soil of forest geocomplexes. We determined the consequences of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP and the distribution of radionuclides in the soil, trees, mushrooms, berries, meat, etc. We substantiate the main causes of forest fires and actions to overcome them. Anthropogenic impact on the natural environment, including forest landscapes, with the development of civilization and technological progress is becoming stronger and causes significant negative consequences. Types of nature management cause the formation in modern landscapes of new functional features, a certain degree of their anthropogenic transformations. At the same time, the scientists have not carried out a detailed description of all types of anthropogenic impact on the region’s forests and the assessment of its consequences. This is the subject of our article. The aim of the research is to investigate direct and indirect directions of human impact on the forest and assess the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the region’s territory, identify problems caused by negative anthropogenic impact and determine the ways of their solution. For preventing and overcoming forest fires by forestry, a number of measures are being taken: preventive, restrictive, patrol-guard, construction and repair work. Preventive fire-prevention measures include the organization and installation of showcases, agritours, exhibitions, houseshops, equipment for recreation and smoking, breeding of campfires, parking lots for tourists and motor vehicles, and conducting fire-prevention propaganda. Among the restrictive measures are the creation of mineralized bands, the expansion, fracture of fire bridges and bands and care for them. Sentinel measures include the maintenance of the fire service, the creation of fire brigades, the servicing of fire observation points and guards, the purchase and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, etc. In addition, construction and repair work on fire bridges, warehouses, artificial reservoirs, fire towers, communication lines, etc. are carried out.

Key words: anthropogenic impact, forest landscape, amber, „lunar landscape”, radioactive contamination, forest fire.


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