Skole subregion is the administrative unit of Lviv region of Ukraine, situated in its southern part. The area of subregion is 1,474 km2, making up 6.76% of the area of region, or 0.24% of the area of Ukraine. As of January 1 2012, 47,533 people inhabited the Skole subdistrict. Among them 12,704 (26.7%) were urban dwellers, and 34,829 (73.3%) – rural inhabitants. Average population density of Skole subregion is 32.2 people per km2 – the lowest among the subregions of Lviv region. The natural growth rate is 0,6 ‰, while the average for Lviv region is –0,9 ‰, and average for Ukraine is –3,5 ‰. The average age of the population of Skole subregion for both sexes is 38 years (for comparison, in Ukraine – 40.4 years, in Lviv region – 39.1 years). As to sexes, in Skole subregion, similarly to Lviv region, women generally prevail – 51.7%. The industry of the studied subregion is represented mostly by lumbering and woodwork factories. The hotel and restaurant sphere is also well developed. The agriculture is represented exclusively by individual farming. The main branch of agriculture is the animal meat and milk farming (cattle and sheep breeding). The strategic national and European transportation links pass by Skole. The land pool of Skole subregion is 147,091.1 ha, from which 34,248.4 ha take agricultural lands (25,3 %), 104,703.6 ha are forests and forested lands (71,2 %), 3,001.6 ha are built-up lands (2.0%), 1,124.1 ha are under the water (0.8%), etc. The integral assessment of the strain of the geoecological situation of the administrative-territorial units of the studied region allowed to separate the areas with the favorable, rather favorable, satisfactory and strained geoecosituations.

Key words: land resources, population, economical complex, land pool, geoecological situation.


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