Maryana GINZULA.


It was made typing of units based on multivariate analysis index by the anthropogenic loads which based on administrative districts of Ternopil region. Typification administrative districts carried out by the method of Wroclaw taxonomy, which makes it possible to group districts in multidimensional mathematical space, and highlight the limits of the social and environmental areas of the region. The essence of Wroclaw taxonomy is to build the graph-tree by the matrix of taxonomic distances whose vertices are the objects of the grouping. The length of the edges of this graph-tree is proportional to the shortest distance between the objects. The set of vertices, the distance between which is less than some given value, are form the classification groups of corresponding objects. In our researches the following objects are the districts. Initial data for calculation of taxonomic distances are pooled anthropogenic loads within the units. The index calculation are based on quantitative statistical information of the total area of the region and administrative districts, of the population and settlements, of the population density, by the level of morbidity certain types of diseases (in this research – the level of malignancy), the area of arable land, emissions to air, the volume of discharges to surface water, the area of protected areas. The general algorithm of this research is based on a social and ecological studies of the area involves the following stages: the natural geographic study area, the demographic and economic situation with the assessment of health status, the ecological and geographical research, the territorial differentiation effects at the level of districts on the use of integral index, the development of prediction as the assessment of the current state and comparing data from different time periods.

Keywords: typification, antropotechogenic load, socio-ecological region, socio-ecological zoning.


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