The importance of theoretic-methodological justification of urban-planning projects (site layout and zoning plan of the agglomeration territory) is considered in this research on the basis of landscape approach taking into account the need to ensure the ecological functions of the city. It identifies necessity meet the needs of the population in the most favorable living conditions. On the basis of co-terms (“landscape organization of the territory”, “landscape-functional zoning of city territory”) it is identified that “landscape organization of urban-planning projects” will lead to optimal landscape-ecological organization of the city. Using Lviv as an example, main types of urban-planning documents are characterized, which are based not on the natural features of landscapes but on the preferential, associated and acceptable types of housing according to social necessity. It is indicated that natural components of landscape, including terrain, wind and humidity influence the atmospheric air. In addition, it influences the dispersion of pollutants, intensity and length of acoustic dispersion that is proved by relevant calculations and empirical data. Main landscape study concept are selected, rules that underline necessity of urban-planning projects on the basis of space-time patterns of natural territorial systems. Among them are “the concept of sustainable development”, “rule of the landscape”, “complex-regional principle” principles “coincidence of boundaries”, “compatibility”, “consistency”, “chain reactions”. These patterns provide the landscape-ecological mapping reinforced by principle of adequate design of Rashevsky. He proclaims the need not just take into account the specificity of anthropogenic and anthropogenically modified landscape systems, but to consider them on the background of variable environmental conditions, which actually controls the spontaneous processes in underlying systems – urban ecosystems.

Key words: city master plan, zoning plan of agglomeration, landscape organization of urban-planning projects, landscape study concepts, principle rules.


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