It was found the state of water supply in Lviv, which is made exclusively from groundwater sources. It was studied the factors shaping of hydrogeological conditions, which accounted, geological and tectonic structure, topography, rainfall and so on. It was found the dynamics of fresh water in the city, which tends to decrease. The results of drinking water of “Lvivvodokanal”, laboratory of OJSC “Geotechnical Institute”, sanitary laboratory of Lviv city department of public institution “Lviv regional laboratory center State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine” were analysysed. The water meets the standards 2.2.4-171-10 state standarts “Hygienic requirements of drinking water intended for human consumption” microbiological, organoleptic and sanitary-toxicological indicators. It doesn`t meet the standards of physical and chemical parameters such as physiological standards usefulness mineral composition of drinking water, which include calcium, magnesium, total alkalinity, potassium, sodium and salinity. The highest exceedances of standards traced in Lychakivs’kyy, Sykhivs’kyy and Shevchenkivs’kyy areas. The closest parameters to the standards are  in Frankivs’kyy region.  The increased of hardness and excess of iron and chlorine are traced in the water. The water is soft (3,0-5,0 mEq/l) in Frankivs’kyy region and in the Zaliznychnyy – 5,0-6,0 mEq/l, Sykhivs’kyy, Lychakivs’kyy and Shevchenkivs’kyy regions (7,0 -10,0 mEq/l) – hard. The iron content in water in network in Frankivs’kyy, Halyts’kyy and Zaliznychnyy regions is in the normal range, and in Sykhivs’kyy, Shevchenkivs’kyy and Lychakivs’kyy regions iron content is higher (0,2-0,9 mg/l).  The maps of total water hardness, iron content in water was done.

Key words: drinking water, quality, sanitary and chemical indicators, microbial indicators, hygienic standard.


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  19. Sayt Natsional’noyi biblioteky Ukrayiny im. V. I. Vernads’koho [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: «irbis»
  20. Sayt telekanalu «Zik» [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:«»
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