Optimization of the priorities of regional development is the key to a systematic and balanced development of the country as a single economic complex. Proper selection of these areas is based on the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of regional development potential as well as their practical manifestations, including patterns, trends and impacts. Each region has a potential of Ukraine, predetermined by the specifics of the territory, the originality of its natural environment, the type and structure of the economy, development of industries, infrastructure software, and historical development, socio-cultural traditions of the population and so on. Carpathian region includes Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Chernivtsi region. This is one of the oldest cultivated regions of Ukraine. It has an advantageous geographic position and rich natural resource base, significant employment potential. This prompted the administrative and management team to build industrial capacity and agricultural production in the area extensive way. Now in the Carpathian economic region is a major fuel and power industry, engineering, chemical, building materials, light and wood industry, agriculture, transport, recreational cross-industry complexes. For a number of objective and subjective reasons deepened in recent years, the trend towards worsening economic situation in the region: unbalanced economic relations progresses unemployment, exacerbated disparities in living standards in its mountain and plains, close to the critical demographic situation , degrades the unique nature of the Carpathians. Persistent problems accumulated economic complex of the Carpathian region determine the relevance of their in-depth study to identify ways to address them. In a market economy Carpathian region should seek their own development opportunities, it must rely on public policy to promote and support, and use the resource advantages of its territory. The purpose of the article was defined as the analysis of modern methodological approaches to the study of economic problems of the region and study the prospects for their use to explore the economic potential of the Carpathian region. One of the methodological approaches determine the economic potential of the region as the total capacity available within the region’s economic resources to ensure the maximum possible amount of production of goods and services that meet the needs of society at this stage of its development. The research potential of the region should be based on the integrated use of scientific principles and analytical tools of various economic theories. In the article the systematic and integrated approach to research potential Carpathian region, they are the basis of methodological and methodical research. Systematic approach characterizes the study object of study as a combination of elements that make up the system. An integrated approach allows to investigate the situation or phenomenon as a separate object that has different manifestations and differences. System analysis and comprehensive approach are closely linked and should be applied together. Through dialectical and systematic approach, the region is seen as a complex socio-economic system that is constantly evolving and is associated with various other regions of interregional interactions. The study of the economic potential of the Carpathian region offer exercise using a wide range of methods: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, historical, abstract logic, balance sheet, statistical, economic, system analysis, calculation and constructive, comparative, economic statistics.

Key words: Carpathian region, economic potential, methodological approaches and methods.


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