Valentina OLIJNIK


This paper analyzes the processes of formation and development of concepts and theories of urban planning. Active industrialization, transportation problems in cities, urbanization contributed to the development of the phenomenon of the “crisis of the city”, which in turn made it necessary to develop world vision for the city. The concept of “garden city” E. Howard is based on humanistic principles of coexistence of man and the environment in the course of fifty years, served as a means of managing urban development. Concept T. Garnier “Industrial City” contains innovative ideas and concrete practical proposals on the structure of the city, and the development of commuters. Domestic urban concept of the 1930s, the bear “nostyle” aesthetic organization of the city. A new direction in the development of urban planning (in theory and practice) has been the development of regional planning. In the 1980s, the question arises greening cities, suburban areas in the creation of recreational areas and the development of recreational activities. This approach has theoretical justification in the concept of “demoekosistems.” The paper also reviewed and analyzed three periode to the evolution of urban planning theory. Modern cities are organically connected with suburban areas. Areas around the city, is a reserve for their further development, placement of satellite cities, a place of rest of the urban population area of placement of many vital utilities and transportation facilities. Therefore suburban areas should be considered as an integral part of a complex with the city. To ensure the successful planning and development of cities, master plans of development and planning projects in the suburban areas should be developed simultaneously.

Keywords: Concepts, Urban, suburban areas, regional planning.


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