The article considers the current state of the socio-geographical researches in the sphere of culture of the Dnepropetrovsk area. Different approaches social geographers studying the geography of culture, its content, place in the system of social and geographical Sciences, object and subject, the conceptual and terminological apparatus, structures and the like. Analyzed culture in terms of its relation to the study of cultural institutions. It is proved that the complex of culture on the territory of the region placed unevenly and annually undergoes certain quantitative changes. Selected groups of factors that influence the characteristics and spatial organization of cultural institutions: economic (low incomes, the closure of businesses), demographic (age structure of population, settlement system and urbanization); the intensive development of television, radio, Internet and other sources of information. Define the concept of “culture” is an open, dynamic, complex subsystem of the regional socioecosystem that is the totality of all organizations, enterprises, institutions and establishments of culture of different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms, service delivery agencies and authorities of interrelated function within a certain cultural space with the aim of providing relevant needs and rights of the people for the formation of man as a fully developed personality. Functional-component structure of the Dnipropetrovsk field cultui includes: 9.8 per cent theaters, 3.9% of museums, 4.2% of libraries, only 1.3% models movies, 3.2% of establishments of club type the number in Ukraine. Culture complex on the territory of the region placed unevenly and annually undergoes certain quantitative changes. Dnepropetrovsk region in the state dimension is one of the cultural centers of Ukraine, according to many indicators of culture complex is in the lead.

Key words: culture, culture complex, cultural institutions, cultural infrastructure, Dnepropetrovsk region.


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