Zinovij PANKIV


The article mentioned the error of substituting the terms “land resources” and “soil resources” because it does not take into account the totality of functions performed by soils in the functioning of the biosphere and human life. Soils versatility allows to single out physical, functional, cultural-aesthetic, informational groups of soil resources. Soil resources are a collection of all taxonomic soil units typical of their properties and functions that are or may be used in all kinds of economic activity and optimize the state of environment in the limits of natural or administrative entities. For characterization of the sustainable use of soil resources it was proposed to use the term “soil usage.” Soil usage is a process of using the components, properties and functions of natural, human-transformed and artificial soils by man or society to meet the material and spiritual needs of a man and optimizing of the human life environment. Soil usage is divided into direct and indirect. Direct soil usage began after mankind’s transition to agriculture, and indirect one – was followed by the appearance of humanity and human activities and is based on the use of ecological functions that soils perform in the biosphere. The features of soils in comparison to other means of production were determined. Analysis of soil resources place in the natural resources classifications was conducted. It was indicated that soil resources are quickly exhaustible, irreplaceable, they should be regarded as both actual and potential. Based on the created soil map it was defined the soil resources structure of Lviv region, calculated the cultivation, soil plow and productive soils availability indicators. It was suggested the system of indicators to characterize the soil resources. Soil resources are the most important part of natural resources, rational use of which guarantees the safety of food, national security and optimization of the environmental situation. Productive soil is the basis of civilized life, and their condition adequately reflects the health of any nation.

Key words: soil resources, land resources, soil usage, Lviv region, ecological functions.


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