Zinovij PANKIV.


The Carpathian region of Ukraine is the primary reproductive habitat land in Ukraine. Residential land use is a type of land use to best meet the needs of the population in appropriate habitat and implementation of various types of economic activity. This type of land use determines living conditions and production activities of the region, and located within it elements of infrastructure determine the level of efficiency of all types of natural resources. It was established that the structure of the region is dominated by residential land use for housing (24.1%), due to a large number of settlements and a long history of economic development. Advantageous geopolitical position of the region contributed to the formation of an extensive transport infrastructure (18,4 %), while the largest proportion of land transport and communication is typical of the Zakarpatska region (19,7 %). According to the distribution of land strips, the largest shares of land for residential development are characteristic of the Zakarpatska (28,2) and lowest for the Nadsiansko-Poliska (14,2) strip. The highest rates of industrial development characterize the Carpathian mountain strip (9,5%). Reforming the economy of Ukraine and the European integration process inevitably will result in the reorganization of land use and increasing the proportion of built-up land, which requires taking into account the current state of the land resources use in the region.

Keywords: residential land use, the Carpathian region of Ukraine, stock of land, land strips.


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