Yaroslav Maryniak.


The article presents the existing models of state regulation of tourism development. The results of comparative analysis have been presented, namely the characteristics of models and the countries of distribution, the application of the basic models of state regulation of tourist activity in the world with the possibility of their application in Ukraine. The basis of the scientific publication is the work of many researchers who studied the issue of state regulation of tourism activities in different countries of the world. However, despite the work of the scientists, the issue of choosing an effective model of state regulation of tourism development in Ukraine has not been sufficiently revealed. The main tasks of the work are as follows: a) to find out the main components of tourism activity in Ukraine; b) to consider the existing models of state regulation of tourism activity in different countries of the world; c) to substantiate the establishment of an effective governing body – the national tourist administration. Tourist policy is a system of methods and measures of socio-economic, legal, foreign policy, cultural and other nature that is carried out by parliaments, governments, state and private organizations, associations and institutions in order to create conditions for the development of tourism industry, rational use of tourist resources, and increase in the effectiveness of the tourism system. The problems of formation of the tourist policy in the country have beeb considered. The main chronological stages of the reform of the bodies of the state management of tourism in Ukraine from 1989 till 2017 have been revealed. The main conceptual approaches to the formation of the strategy of expediency of the European model of state regulation of tourism industry in Ukraine have been revealed.

Keywords: tourism regulation, tourism policy, tourism management bodies, tourism management models, European model.


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