Vyacheslav BOGDANETS.


Thematic mapping of landscapes on regional level is usually provided with a wide use of remotely sensed data and geoinformation technologies. From one side, this helps to achieve automation of technological processes during map compilation and preparation, leads to decrease of subjective factor during compilation routine, but from the other side –geomorphological patterns of landscapes, genetic characteristics of soils and plant formation during application of modern technologies for thematic landscape mapping should be considered. Otherwise it may cause errors in interpretation of remotely sensed data and compilation of thematic landscape maps. Thus, a number of specific challenges in methodology require solutions for effective and truthful landscape mapping including small contours visualization, fuzzy boundaries, issues in identification of land cover types, impervious surfaces, land cover complexity, dynamics of boundaries, issues in location of objects, in-situ verification. Solving these problems is possible using the most advanced techniques in remote sensing (hyperspectral imagery, ultra high spatial resolution), data processing technologies (object-oriented classification with the pattern recognition, expert post-classification), and the combinations of these modern techniques with knowledge and techniques of cartographers and landscape scientists, soil scientists and geobotanists that are familiar with the specifics of territory mapped and able to make a critical analysis and comparison of the results of computer processing with the results of processes that affect the map compilation. Thus, spatial data processing technology should be assistants to researchers of landscapes, but not to turn out support for research into a single tool that puts researchers on crutches.

Keywords: thematic GIS-mapping, landscapes, thematic maps, remotely sensed data interpretation


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