Volodymyr KHUDOBA.


In the article were substantiated the structural and geographical principles and practical recommendations for optimizing the territorial structure and functioning of the regional landscape parks, for example RLP “Zarvanickiy”. Regional Landscape Park “Zarvanickiy” is the unique environmental object that was created for the purpose of the conservation and sustainable use of natural system complexes, which in combination with the architectural complex great historical, cultural, aesthetic and spiritual value. Using the experience of landscape parks of Poland, was proposed to create around a regional landscape park “Zarvanickiy” protected zone. Investigated the structure of lands and security zone of RLP, estimated it’s conditions, substantiated reasonable system optimization measures to increase the proportion of environmentally stabilizing lands of the projected territory. Was done the mapping models of the modern and the optimized structure of lands in Regional Landscape Park and it’s protected zone. Given the structure of the land and the distribution of vegetation in the regional landscape park, advisable to identify the following functional areas: regulated recreation, stationary recreation and economic zone. Value of the functional areas of the regional landscape park “Zarvanickiy” is typical for the regional landscape parks, which are characterized by: small area, proximity to towns, a large attendance area and the lack of environmental protection objects. Were proposed some measures to improve the management of RLP “Zarvanickiy”, including the establishment of the park administration with the appropriate staff.

Keywords. Regional landscape parks, the problems of the functioning, the lands, the  anthropogenic transformations of the territory, the functional zoning, the recreation.


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