The avalanche influence on Gorgan’s massif landscape structure formation depicted in articles was considered. Also was grounding necessity of “avalanche territorial complexes” definition implementation to avalanche-knowing terminology. On example of “Gropha” model place was studied and illustrating territorial changes of avalanche complexes. Main relief and climatological factors of the territory (temperature, wind direction, snowfall) that are do influence on avalanche situation formation was described. The main types of the avalanche, that is typical for research landscape was analyzed. The areas dynamic of avalanche complex corresponding zones, during different period was determined. The function process and vegetation restoration in the avalanche natural territorial complex was studding. Described vegetation species in the differing avalanche complex zones and theirs restore conditions. Considerable attention was given for the second landscape-form process. The after-avalanche situations, what assist by development different natural process are research. Considerable attention in this article is accenting on land cower conditions development in accumulation zone postpone debris researches within the limits of this avalanche natural territorial complexes. Forest cover conditions and peculiarity of their restore are investigated. To a significant degree on the vegetation restore have influence available forest’s and grass cover fires, and also unhealthy process development through wither and rotting of wood. During realization of research was investigate human influence on vegetation groups of avalanche natural territorial complexes and environment theirs territory.

Key words: vegetations restore, second landscape-form process, Gorgany, avalanche, avalanche natural terrain complex.


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