The questions of the formation of the cadastre of nature protection territories, where lakes occupy an important place of environmental of nature protection type, are substantiated. The attention is drawn to the fact that the lake and its columbine is a unified natural system and, from the methodological point of view, it is advisable to investigate the whole Integral lake-basin system (LBS). The existing scientific approaches to the study of the lake as a nuclear geological system are considered according to A. Yu. Reteyum, as a landscape core (according to M.D. Hrodzyns’kyy), as a paragenetic or paradinical (according to F.N. Mil’kov) of LBS, are analyzed. It is emphasized that lakes should occupy a proper place in the reserved nature management. Cartographic models of the bathymetric structure of the lake basin, the landscape structure of the natural-aquatic complex (NAC) of the reservoir and its catchment area are presented based on the example of LBS the Black Lake of the Dibrivs’kyy hydrological reserve (Volyn Polissya). A scheme of the ratio of the sediment depth to the lake water is presented, and also the features of geochemical processes at one of the probing points of the aqual complex are disclosed. The landscape structure of the NAC Black Lake is assessed at the level of aquapods and aquafacies, indexes of landscape fractionality, coefficients of complexity and fragmentation are given. The coefficient of anthropogenic transformation of the lake’s catchment is calculated in the process of the cartometric evaluation of the spatial-typological structure of land. A holistic LBS of the Black Lake was proposed to include in the basis for the cadastral environmental passport of the Dibrivs’kyy Hydrological Reserve. Proceeding from the important ecosystem functions performed LBS of the environmental protection type; it is proposed to consider them as ecological nuclei in the Polissya conservation network, and also to protect by the basin principle. In the system of administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine, LBS should take an important place as local natural-economic systems with a corresponding specialization of their development.

Key words: lake, lake-basin system, natural territorial (aquatic) complex, stow (akvaurochysche), akvafacia, nature conservation network, Volyn Polissya.


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