The study results of the peculiar characteristics of the forest-steppe landscapes spatial differentiation within the Left-Bank Ukraine territory, its landscape-typological structure are considered in the present article. The results of mapping and graphic modeling of distinguished typological units of forest-steppe landscapes of the region, especially the mapping model in a scale of 1:3,000,000 and its detailed legend, which were created as a result of our own field researches, analysis of archive text and maps database, photointerpretation as well as literary and statistical data, using the well-known and quite elaborate methodical techniques and theoretical-methodological basis are represented. The key objects on the landscape map of the territory of the Left-Bank Ukraine, which was created by the author, are the classification units of sort land systems rank. Them form the skeleton of landscape-typological structure of the region and reflect the major structural features of the study area. Detailed morphometric-typological characteristics of the forest-steppe landscapes classification units of the Left-Bank Ukraine provided an opportunity to assert that in general the forest-steppe type of landscapes occupy 59,28% within the study area and represented by the complexes of low-lying and elevated erosive-accumulative plains with thick quaternary stratum which overlay the Palaeogene sandy-clay sediments, and the uplands and slopes of uplands of accumulative-denudation highly partitioned plains with quaternary stratum which overlay the chalky carbonate and Palaeogene-Neogene sandy-clay rocks. Intrazonal floodplain complexes constitute more than 10% of the territory. Landscapes of the highly partitioned, partitioned elevated and partitioned slightly corrugated loessial plains with dark gray forest soils and chernozems typical, terraced poorly drained and terraced loessial plains with gray forest soils and chernozems typical, terraced hilly sandy plains with sod-podzolics soils, pinery and subor form the typological zonal background of the forest-steppe landscape complexes. The ridgy and ancient gully loessial watershed, flat widely corrugated ancient gully and gently sloping corrugated, slightly corrugated loessial watershed types of land units are the most typical and widely distributed, and form the background of zonal forest-steppe landscapes of the Left-Bank Ukraine. Streamside types of land units acquired significant development as a result of a wide development of slope processes. Intrazonal landscape complexes are the consequence of combination permanent streams activities with a sufficient amount of atmospheric precipitates. Other types of land units have the subordinate importance.

Keywords: landscape, landscape complex, the forest-steppe landscape complex, classification unit, landscape-typological structure, land systems sort, type of land units.


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