On the basis of 106 statistical parameters that reflect the environment state the grouping of cities and districts of Dnepropetrovsk region was conducted. Grouping is performed by means of cluster analysis (Ward’s method), which allowed to minimize and maximize the intra and intergroup dispersion until a single cluster and was displayed graphically as a dendrogram.Cluster analysis was performed for each billing period, that is, as to each sociogeosistems current point in time (year). Processing of the cluster analysis results  was obtained to identify sociogeosistems, which were built constantly the parts of certain groups, as well as the allocation of sociogeosistems, changing the group location. Stable composition clusters is characterized by similar conditions for the development of geo-ecological situation. Sociogeosistems, which are the parts of different clusters, were characterized by volatile trends in the development of geo-ecological situation. Grouping of urban sociogeosistems by cluster analysis has been revealed a trend towards a more or less stable over time for the composition of the primary cluster, which includes the city of Joltue Vodu, Manganets, Sinelnikovo and Pavlograd. Occasionally this cluster includes the city Volnogorsk and Ordzhonikidze. Other cities do not create a primary clusters and are in a multi-dimensional feature space far enough away for the entire study period. Grouping of district sociogeosistems made more diverse, so formed several stable composition of clusters. These clusters include areas such as Tomakovsky, Tsarichanskoye, Shirokovskii, Mezhevskoy, Sophievskij, Petrikovskij and Yuryevskij. The second constant composition cluster contains Krinichanskij, Novomoskovskij, Pokrovskij, Solonyanskij, Sinelnikovskovskij and Nikopolskij areas. Within four years of the five permanently were  associated Verkhnedneprovskij and Piatykhatskij regions, another primary cluster of this type was form Novomoskovsk and Dnepropetrovsk regions. Among the investigated areas only Apostolovo area does not fall in the same group with other areas and is the most remoted from them in a multidimensional feature space.

Key words: sociogeosistems, natural environment, geoecological situation, cluster analysis, grouping.


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