The article is devoted to the role of cities in proses formation and development of social, cultural, political and philosophical geographical spaces around them. Cities are not seeing as a simple accumulation of large numbers of people, objects of production and social infrastructure in the same city, but as a dynamic social vertically, are both dominated by the surrounding social environment (villagers and smaller in scale or importance of the city), and involve, in orbit affected towns processes living on a fairly distant from the epicenter of events people. As a result, geographical area emerging of influence of cities that get kind of peculiar contours that characterize the population level involving beyond and processes occurring in them. The shape contour of influence, under the influence of other towns can acquire a wide range of configurations. The author develops the claim that the evolution of the term “civilization” of the city in the state and large countries and peoples are united by common features of social and political, economic organization, the only spiritual values and ideals. It’s definitely points to the birth of modern civilizations, geopolitical spaces in any particular city. Some elite specific social level successfully managed to show itself in it.

Keywords: matrix-city, civilization, geopolitical space, cultural-semiotic process, thalassocracy, tellurocracy, New Jerusalem.


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