Victor Grushka, Natalia Gorozhankina.


Publishing is a significant element of the cultural life of society. The products of this branch affect the spirituality and cultural development of each people. The products of the publishing industry meet the information, scientific, educational and cultural needs of society and promote the development of productive forces and the formation of market relations in the regions of the country.At the present stage of the Ukrainian statehood there is a steady development of periodical printed media: newspapers and magazines, including glossy ones, which corresponds to the world trend. Despite the financial crisis, the global newspaper circulation increased in the 2012-2016 years by 1.3%. The daily newspapers are read by 1.9 billion people, in many markets, particularly in Europe, paid newspapers cover 70% of the adult population, the number of daily free newspapers is growing rapidly, and their share is 23%. But in Ukraine, only 15% of the more than 30 thousand registered prints reach the printers, the rest exist nominally.Five main centers for the production of books and brochures are identified in the analysis of the output of publishing products according to their geographical location. The Kharkov region is on the first place, on the second – Lviv, on the third – Ternopil, on the fourth – Odessa, on the fifth – Dnipropetrovsk. It should be noted that in Kiev publishing output is 1.1 times less than in the Kharkiv region.The regions where the number of publications is the least is Lugansk region (part of which since 2014 is the occupied troops of the Russian Federation), Nikolaev, Kiev, Zhytomyr regions, here a year produce up to a hundred units of publishing books and periodicals.The leader in publishing production during the period of existence of independent Ukraine was and remains Kiev, here annually produce about 20 thousand kinds of printed editions.Also high rates observed in Kharkiv, Ternopil, Lviv and Volyn regions, while the lowest – in Kherson, Mykolayiv, Kirovohrad, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia regions.The publication of books by publishing entities was analyzed by such indicators as the number of publications by name, the number of editions in circulation and the leading Ukrainian publishers in the list of Top-5, with a circulation of more than 100 thousand copies of printed products.Absolute leader (for the whole period of research) is the subject of publishing activity – the Book Club «Family Leisure Club» by the number of publications by the names and by the number of editions in print runs.The publication of books and brochures on thematic sections is considered. It is determined that the leader in the number of publications is political and socio-economic topics. 23 % of all editions of the country were devoted to these topics in 2016. This is a worldwide trend characteristic of Western European democratic countries. Against the background of the increase in the variety of publications of this profile, the number of such publications has also increased significantly, which is conditioned by the demand for such literature, in particular, for periodical popular publications (magazines «Focus», «Correspondent», «Forbes», etc., as well as political analyst «Uriadovy courier»).

Keywords: publishing, publishing products, printed publications, regions of Ukraine.


  1. Vypusk vydavnychoyi produktsiyi v Ukrayini v 2012 rotsi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
  2. Vypusk vydavnychoyi produktsiyi v Ukrayini v 2013 rotsi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
  3. Vypusk vydavnychoyi produktsiyi v Ukrayini v 2014 rotsi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
  4. Vypusk vydavnychoyi produktsiyi v Ukrayini v 2015 rotsi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
  5. Vypusk vydavnychoyi produktsiyi v Ukrayini v 2016 rotsi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
  6. Innovatsiynyy rozvytok vydavnycho-polihrafichnoho kompleksu [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:

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