Veronika Hrytsku.


The article deals with the substantiation of the essence of tourist activity at the regional level in the conditions of cross-border territories, with a special regime of regulation and management characterized by the transition of natural, demographic, socio-economic, ecological and production specifics to other regions of the country. Were identified nominal links with other maps, tourists, tourism, tourism. An explanation and definition of the concepts of “border region” and “cross-border region” were given. The subjects of tourist activity at the cross-border level are defined: tourists, entrepreneurs, interstate associations, government agencies, associations, unions, commercial and non-profit organizations, local authorities, local population. All these subjects are geographically conditioned, since any tourist activity has territorial affiliation, which acts as a tourist destination. The article defines tourism and tourism activities at the cross-border level. Tourism at cross-border level can be defined as a set of relations and organizations of people (tourists) in cooperation with border work (border guards, customs officers), entrepreneurs, local authorities and local people in the process of tourism. Tourist activities at the level of the cross-border level – the activities to provide a variety of tourist services in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Tourism” and other participants of Ukrainian legislation, and the tourist (traveler) is a person on travel, that is also performing activities. “Tourist activity”. Like any economic activity, tourist activities are allocated as an industry. It is a branch of the service industry.

Key words: tourist activity, cross-border region, tourism, tourists, tourist industry, tourism subjects, interstate associations, government agencies.


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