Vasil OLIJNYK, Natalia BELOVA, Natalia YOSYPOVA.


The basic factors of soils water regime forming of agricultural landscapes of foot-hill and mountain territories are analyzed. The common and distinctive lines of natural conditions, which influence on infiltration properties of the ground cover, are considered. The sod-podzolic-clay soils of Pre-Carpathians water permeability is appraised, which in 3-6 times is less on agricultural lands, in comparing to forest soils. It is instrumental in forming of harmful superficial flow of water, and at the same time the scale erosive processes, ravines, beams, landslides and leads to destruction of river banks. The dependence of soils of Pre-Carpathians moisture capacity on planting trees age is set − the indexes of soil water absorption in the young planting almost don’t differ from the indexes of agro mastered lands. The increase of stands age on each 40-50 years predetermines the growth of forest soils moisture capacity in 2-3 times. The dependence of brown mountain-forest soils of Carpathians from height zonation, heterogeneities of meteorological and orographic conditions is investigated. The locality height growth is instrumental in a rev-up water absorption of soils on the different categories of lands. Infiltration properties of mountain soils, especially forest, are considerably higher than rains intensity on these territories. It provides valuable transformation of harmful superficial of water flow in underground and ground kinds. With the increase of stands age these processes increase considerably, arriving at a maximum in ripe stands. On the whole, agro landscapes of Carpathians are characterized by the low enough intensity of erosive processes on earths, which are promoted by the high wooded region, insignificant thrown of territory open and it small contour. The ways of agro landscapes optimization of the probed territories are offered.

Keywords: soil water permeability, agricultural landscape, forest earths, erosion, precipitations, Pre-Carpathians, Carpathians.


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