Valeriy PETLIN.


The article analyzes the ratio of theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the environment and the ecological status of landscape systems. It is shown that only if they are consistently connected the researcher can avoid many mistakes. The medium of landscape systems as the basis of their ecological state performs organizational, correcting and controlling role in the ecological functioning of the systems. Regularities, which form such an environment, are multifaceted, interrelated, often hierarchically subordinated and constitute a complex conceptual system. However, their use lies in a strict chain of successive methodological tools. The analyzed theoretical and methodological foundations of environmental research and related analysis makes it possible to develop many concepts of ecological character capable of improving the understanding of environmental features of landscape systems. So the aim of this paper is to present an environmental systems activity that allows to analyze such phenomena as objective laws of formation of the regeneration time systems after natural and anthropogenic provoked destructive effects, the flow rate of ecological processes, their intensity, and a number of others. Research environment and ecological conditions of landscape systems form the basis of modern theoretical and applied ecological research. Only with proper maintenance concept it is possible not to go toward system-ecological research.

Keywords: theoretical and methodological basis of environmental studies, the medium of landscape systems, state of ecological systems.


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