Valentina OLIJNIK.


In the article the question of interdependence, mutual influence of elements of the system “city – suburban zone” is considered. Between the elements of the system there are powerful links: economic, social, communication, recreational … The suburban area has changed its original purpose – providing the city with food. At the moment, the development of the suburb zone depends largely on the city, which is the place of employment, providing the population with social benefits, and the development of the city depends on the suburban area. The suburban area for the city serves as a reserve for territorial expansion, a reserve of labor potential, a factor in ensuring the life of the city. The suburban zone is a zone of common, and also a controversial zone. There is a need to use a joint approach to manage the suburban area. One of the most characteristic features of modern global urbanization is the development of urban agglomerations. Their number is increasing as most increases agglomeration. Global agglomeration process of evolution turns them in urban areas, the urban area with the formation of cities. Metropolitan areas, large cities act as “growth poles” socio-economic development of regions and countries. These processes occur within clearly business activity, production, investment, defining persistent trend of self-cities, despite the mechanisms limiting their growth. Moreover in suburban areas there are active processes of transformation in the social, economic and demographic areas. Until recently, the main function was sustenance suburbs of the city. Currently, suburbs characterized by a large number of links, economic, cultural and social, administrative management, integrates the suburban areas of the city: transport, communications networks, logistics, cultural and welfare facilities, which makes it possible to assert a new round of development system “city – suburban zone.” Therefore, the only means of rational combination and placement of business functions in a suburban area is well designed functional zoning suburban areas. For this first analyze all the functions that they must perform a suburban area as a whole in relation to the big city, and evaluate the degree of interoperability, the incompatibility of various functions. Then suburbs are divided into separate areas with different economic purpose (for a list of functions) so that all the necessary functions suburbs were provided and that between them there was no territorial conflicts and conflicts. CA easy task. Of course, the major cities in the development of master plans for separate volume or multiple volumes dedicated suburbs, and in particular its functional division (zoning). Unfortunately, the last master plan of Odessa, functional zoning suburbs and surrounding areas of the city to be developed.

Key words: suburban area, city, sphere of influence, functional ties, zone of common interests.


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