The article deals with the influence of socio-economic crisis on the urban settlements in the agricultural region. Changing the functions of cities and towns shown through the change in employment of workers in various sectors of the economy. Established a process of narrowing the functional structure of urban settlements, primarily to reduce production city-forming industries and the expansion of non-manufacturing. Many urban settlements began monofunctional or without functional dominant. In agricultural regions promising features recognized recreational, educational, industrial and functions “business” center. Cities and townships are promising socio-economical centers for the surrounding territories under the terms of the definition of their image and rebranding. Shows a diagram of the functional profile of the urban settlements of Ternopil region in modern dimension and beyond. The main directions of image formation settlements. So, in the period of transition to market relations has been a significant narrowing of the economic base of urban settlements, the conversion of many settlements with a single-function multi-function centers. This requires a justification for their city-functions depending on the needs of society with scientific positions that will contribute to the revival of cities and turn them into “poles” of social and economic growth for the surrounding areas. Necessary “to the selection of individual settlements, the so-called dominant centers.” Such settlements in the area can become a regional center and inter-regional centers – Chertkov and Kremenets at strengthening their social and economic development.

Keywords: functional structure, branding, rebranding, image of the city, the economic base of cities, social functions.


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