This article characterized morphometry of relief in the mountainous part basin river Bystrica Nadvirnianska, which area is 623.7 km2. Analyzed the distribution of geospatial features morphometric parameters abreast geomorphological areas through a series of morphometric maps created with GIS-methods. The methodology of research was posted and as the result of the morphometric analysis was installed the quantitative characteristics of geospatial features of the relief investigated basin. The absolute height on the basin varies within 400-1800 m. minimum altitude – 436 m., maximum – 1788 m., average – 959 m. Indicator of the depth vertical dissection of relief vary between 0-800 m/km2, maximum value – 790 m/km2 recorded in the geomorphological area Midland relief Skybovyh Gorgan. Indicator of the density horizontal dissection of the relief varies within 0–4 km/km2 and the average value is 1.5 km/km2, maximum – 4.1 km/km2. The biggest density of horizontal dissection of relief typical for Vorohta-Putylske erosive lowland and the lowest is typical for the geomorphological area Midland relief Skybovyh Gorgan. The largest area of the researched territory consist of steep slopes (17-25°) which cover an area of 34.9% and the smallest – steep slopes (35-60°) and slightly aslope slopes (3-5°) which cover an areas of 1.2 and 2.8% respectively. Steep slopes cover the largest area (1.6%) in geomorphological area Midland relief Skybovyh Gorgan. In the mountainous part of the basin river Bystrica Nadvirnianska dominated northern (15.2%) and northeast (14.1%) aspect of the slopes, which are more steep than the southern and southwestern, which account 10.8% and 12.3% of the research area respectively. In the geomorphological area Midland relief Skybovyh Gorgan dominated sloping southwest slopes (15.0%) on steeper northeast (13.3%) and the north (12.2%), which are typical for basin northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Key words: morphometric analysis of the relief, horizontal dissection of the relief, vertical dissection of the relief, slope of the earth’s surface, aspect of the slope, means of GIS, geomorphological area, Gorgany, river Bistrica Nadvirnianska.


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