This article describes opportunities for the development of eco-tourism in the perspective landscape park “Podolske Nadzbruchya”. The importance of eco- tourism within the perspective regional landscape park “Podolske Nadzbruchya” is proved in order to use the natural recreative resources more effective, keeping the integrity of ecosystems, increasing of environmental awareness, following the interests of local residents. The creation of the RLP “Podolske Nadzbruchya” can provide a significant cycles variety of eko-tourism occupation: cognitive (knowledge of the cultural , historical, ethnographic, natural objects of the territory), entertaining (fishing, boating, picking of mushrooms, nuts, berries, herbs), recreational (swimming in ponds, physical activity, canoeing); it also can provide the change of impressions and contact with nature in combination with low financial expends. In the article there is the proposed area of the RLP “Podolske Nadzbruchya”, maximum recreational load of landscape types of RLP “Podolske Nadzbruchya”, which forms 14.2 people./day/ha for the park landscape; 12,1 people/day/ha for the forest landscape; 13,7 people/day/ha for the not-forest landscape as well as the RLP potential recreational capacity for each season. The natural preconditions for the development of ecotourism within the RLP “Podolske Nadzbruchya”, namely climate, hydrographic network, flora and fauna are analyzed in the article. Functional recreation zoning RLP on the base of which the map was created is on the special place. The protected zone, stationary, controlled recreation area, as well as economy zone are highlighted. It is suggested to create speleological, history-etnographical and sports tourist routes for RLP “Podolske Nadzbruchya”. About forty thousand five hundred people live in this zone and some thousand people from Ternopil and other settlements visit RLP regularly. Transport accessibility of the park is analyzed in the article.

Keywords: eco-tourism, regional landscape park, functional areas, ecotourism business.



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