Svitlana GRISHKO.


Based on the processing of Melitopol Forestry materials and personal fieldwork, using an integrated geographical approach the analysis of the Altagir forest landscape structure has been made for the first time. Studies show, that the quality of forest plantations depends on the salinity, texture, degree of soils, moisture and the type of terrain. As landscape and topological analysis show this natural area is allocated above the slope, near-watershed, and watershed terrain types. Each of that corresponds to the silvicultural tracts types belonging to them. The landscape map of Altagir forest shows altitude differentiation of forest plantations. At the beginning of XXI century, almost all forest plantations do not match to their places of growing. Forest plantations presented as deciduous species: oak, ash, acacia, elm, honey locust, poplar, celtis, maple, wild fruit and conifers: pine, juniper. Field researches and consultations with foresters prove that forests require distinctive approaches to their formation and management, the main ones are: improvement of forest structure, understory restoration and creation of forest edges, increase of silvicultural landscape.

Keywords: landscape structure, Altagir forest, type of terrain, forest plantations, forest condition.


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