The system factors and their role in the formation and development of modern education Transcarpathian region, grouping factors used by the criterion of display areas investigated expression of these factors on the formation and development of education in the territorial units of the Transcarpathian region. Solved historical background of the formation of educational institutions Transcarpathian region and their impact on the formation and development of the modern education system. The influence of environmental factors on the development and functioning of education through the study of environmental differences Transcarpathian region. Among the environmental factors are examined such as location, terrain, climate and hydrology. Natural Factors described as helping to create the necessary conditions for optimal organization of educational activities of educational institutions. The influence of social factors on the development of education Transcarpathian region, notably the demographic factor, the factor of population density, sex – age structure and migration. In the article the impact of economic factors on the development of education Transcarpathian region, as such, are created through the material conditions for rendering educational services to the public. Based on the research of economic development Transcarpathian region formulated conclude that this factor is favorable, although not in all manifestations, for the formation and development of education in this area. Determined cumulative effect of these factors on the formation and development of education in the Transcarpathian region through research the number of educational institutions educational complex Transcarpathian region. The paper also demonstrates the relationship between expression of certain factors and the formation of education indicated potential.

Keywords: factors of education, historical factors in education, physical factors in education, social factors in education, economic factors in education.


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