Svetlana DVINSKIH, Alexandr KITAEV, Ol’ha LARHCENKO.


In article conditions of formation of floods on water objects of the Western Urals are considered. It is established that spring snowmelt is the reason of especially dangerous hydrological phenomena at extremely large supplies of snow or (and) amicable character of spring, hanging ice dams and mash phenomena, formation of ice dams. Possibility of use of protective and shore protection constructions (riprap, gabionny designs, geoinjection fixing of slopes of dams, biomats and others) on the example of the rivers Sylva, Iren, Shakva near Kungur of Perm region is shown. For protection of coast of water objects against high flood waters in difficult natural and economic conditions it is best of all to use dams, the simplest and economic constructions for which strengthening are gabionny designs. These designs are designed on technology of the Italian company “Makkaferri’s Gabions”. When fixing landslide slopes of dams the method of geoinjections and biomats of Makkaferri’s Gabions firm can be used. However completely it is possible to solve a flooding problem only by creation of the stokoreguliruyushchy water-engineering system.

Keywords: risk, flood, water objects, dams, protection, constructions.


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