The article analyzes the structure of natural forage land basin. Zbruch in the context of grassroots administrative taxa (village councils). The main features of their functional (business) and spatial organization in the study region. Isolation of the major factors of the spatial distribution of landscape particles. The estimation of the impact of land use, depending on their size, technology, and physical and geographical conditions. High potential is concentrated in the upper reaches of the river where the preserved relic of the valley with extensive poorly drained floodplains. There hayfields and pastures perform eco-stabilizing function and are the basis for the development of local environmental network, with limited areas of forests. The high natural productivity of these lands is a factor in the reorientation of agricultural production to increase the share of livestock. A significant decrease in the area observed within Tovtrova ridge, where the main slopes stand phytocenoses tree and shrub, and floodplain areas are severely limited. A small fraction of natural forage is concentrated in high sublatitudinal band plowed Tovtrova south ridge and in the contact zone with the river valley. Dniester. Most of the land under haymaking deteriorated through succession phytocentral composition and subjected to secondary swamping processes due to the destruction of reclamation facilities. Reducing agricultural loading and lack of control over the state of pastures leads to the spread here of tree and shrub vegetation, and as a consequence of the natural reduction in their area. In addition, large areas of arable land is unproductive through the manifestation of waterlogging on the site reclaimed wetlands and a high level of erosion on sloping complexes. Their transfer to the structure of natural forage lands will allow to keep the proportion of agricultural land in the region in the optimization of their use.

Keywords: land use, lands, natural grasslands


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