The Sian Headwaters Basin (SHB) has an area of 1,190 km2, embraces low and middle mountains at the western periphery of the East Carpathians, and is a popular tourist destination. A viewshed geoecosystem (VGES) is interpreted as a geospatial socio-ecological model of a real landscape, which reveals relationships between the aesthetic value of the landscape view from an observation point and the morphogenic structure of the landscape within the visibility zone. Raster geographic information system (GIS) was applied to delineate eleven VGES using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation data, as well as landform and land cover geodata sets, which were obtained during previous studies. Firstly, morphogenic landscape units (microecochores) were generated via overlay of landform and land cover classes. The metrics were derived describing the variety and contrast of the morphogenic units within the circular neighborhood of 500 m radius. Secondly, outstanding landscape objects, which increase the aesthetics value of VGES were singled out – these are highest ridgetops and the lake. Thirdly, the viewsheds were delineated, and their extent was limited to a 12 km visibility zone. The visibility deterioration was considered as a linear function of proximity to the observation point. The integral aesthetic attractiveness (IAA) was calculated as a multiplying overlay of the morphogenic structure variety and contrast values with the visibility values within the visibility zones. The obtained results were increased by 5-10 % per each outstanding landscape object in the viewshed and standardized. To derive the specific IAA, the obtained results were divided by the visibility zone area and standardized. The highest variety and contrast of landforms and land cover were revealed in the northern part of the SHB occupied by low mountains of Sian-Rika Verkhovyna. The outstanding landscape objects are represented by the highest ridges of the northern part of the study area belonging to Polonyny medium mountains, as well as by the Solinske Lake. The largest visibility zone of 115 km2 has the VGES of Polonyna Tsarynska Mnt., while the smallest – of Besiada Mnt (41 km2). The highest absolute and specific IAA has the viewshed of Yavir Mnt located in the low-mountain northern part of the SHB. The lowest IAA values are obtained for the viewshed of Ravka Mnt located at the southern periphery of the study area in the medium mountains. It turned out that low-mountain viewsheds are more aesthetically attractive than those of the medium mountains.

Key words: geographic information systems, visibility zone, land cover, landforms, integral aesthetics attractiveness.


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