Petro TSARYK, Lyubomir TSARYK.


Reasonably functional planning of the network structure elements of the regional tourist and recreational systems using approaches of landscape planning and ekonet concept. The spatial boundaries of compositional elements of tourism and recreational systems for their comparison with the territory and landscape structure analysis of the adequacy of the legal regime of land and resource use. Within the tourist and recreation system identified three regional tourist and recreational area that formed around common centers: Volynskiy (with centers Kremenets, Pochaiv), Podolsky (with centers Ternopil, Zarvanitsa, Beregany) and Podnestrovsky (with centers Zaleshchiki, Borsciv). They are based recreational areas – small by area with traditional forms of recreation and tourism centers (nuclei) – small cities, towns and villages that specialize in the implementation of certain recreational module. TRS major centers (in particular Ternopil) concentrated within it not only most of the objects of the tourist industry: hotels, cafes, restaurants, car parking, etc. They directed the main tourist flows that are “slow down” within them for a while. Ternopil kernel takes transit location on the axis TRS national level (Kiev-Bukovel) or functioning in the side branches (rays) TRS (Zarvanitsa). In this case, the kernel can serve as centers for areas formation regional rank. Tourist flows and recreants arrived in regional core (Buchach) national rank can further radially disperse regional routes – axes for visiting local tourist spots (ancient towns: Yazlovets, Zolotoy Potok, Koropets; unique natural objects: Rusilovskih waterfalls, Nyrkovskogo canyon, etc.). Perfect combination of compositional elements of tourism and recreational areas with landscape structure exists within the territories of the PNP and the RLP, partly within the botanical gardens, arboretums parks, zoological parks, which highlighted a number of functional areas and set appropriate environmental regimes.

Keywords: landscape planning, the network approach, the elements of the tourist and recreation system, environmental regime.


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