The papere valuated the ease of geological and geomorphological resources skirts on four main criteria: the vertical and horizontal unbundling relief, general slope the surface, the presence of geological and geomorphological sites (and complex geological monuments, landscape reserves) by physiographic regions of Podillia. Determine the total score for each physiographic region, built integral Schematic map ofthe ease of geological and geomorphological resources for recreation. As a direct recreational resource, the relief must be assessed from the standpoint of favorability for recreational construction of roads, buildings and structures that have maintained, functional (recreational) and attracts (attractant) values. Thus, the study of the influence of topography on the recreational use of the territory of the purpose of his analysis from the viewpoint of the three main aspects: technological, aesthetic and emotional and physiological. The results of the test showed that the most favorable for the development of recreational activities, geological and geomorphological terms, the territory was Chertkovsky-Kamenetz-Podolsk PGR (West Podolsky Podnisterya) with an overall score of 17.5 points. The least favorable for recreation with geological and geomorphological positions have territory – Baranovsky-Visokopichanskogo PGR (5 points), representing landscapes and Zhytomyr Polissya? Radekhiv-Brody and Smigivsko-Slavutsko PGR (7 points), within the landscape of the Small Polesie. Predominant in most physiographic regions skirts are indicators from 10 to 14 points, indicating a relatively favorable geological and geomorphological conditions for the development of recreation within the study region.

Keywords: geological and geomorfological resources, recreation, physical-geographical zoning, skirts, dissected topography.


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