In Article presented the maps of geospatial distribution the objects of natural reserve fund of Rivne region, that included in the list of state and local value. A zoning of Rivne region and distinguished three tourist recreational natural regions: North, Central, South. It has been calculated the Quantity of the objects of protected areas in the regions and the districts of  Rivne region. Given a description of most objects interesting objects of Natural Reserve Fund. A tourist research objects of nature reserve fund of Rivne region: reserves (botanical, dendrological, zoological, geological), Tracts (bog) reserves (ornithological, ichthyological, forest), etc. Prepared two kartoshemy geoporstorovogo distribution of objects of nature reserve fund of Rivne region. . It was revealed that in the Rivne region, there are 313 objects of nature reserve fund local and state values (11). It was established that in Rivne region are: 1 National Park “Dermansky-Ostrog” 2 ichthyological reserves, 17 parks, 81 botanical reserve, 9 geological reserves, 10 wildlife reserves, 28 hydrological reserves, entomological reserves 16 integrated parks, 9 Bird, 12 landscape reserves and 4 nature reserves, 102 forest reserves and 11 wetland tracts. For a more detailed study of the investigated area is calculated the number of objects of nature reserve fund in each administrative district of the Rivne region. To estimate the load of separate parts of the territory of the research objects of natural reserve fund calculated the number of objects of nature reserve fund in each administrative district of the Rivne region. It should be noted on the greatest number of NRF objects in such administrative areas of the region: Rokytnivskyi – 29 Kostopilskomu – 2, Zdolbuniv – 35 and Sarny – 25 (Table 1). For a more comprehensive study of the research area, calculations of saturation and concentration ratios of the coefficients, the percentage of the number of NRF objects to their total number in the region, and calculated the ratio of the area of NRF objects in the administrative areas and regions. Note administrative areas which have a high area of objects in the NRF. Thus, calculations show Rivne region has great potential for development in the territory of different types of tourism.

Key words: objects of nature reserve fund, geospatio accommodation, koefitsient concentration, koefitsient load, schematic map.


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