As a result of the complex field of geophysical investigations, including elektrometric methods (Wes, EP) on profiles, located in sublatitudinal and submeridional directions, on the part of that, after 5 years of repeated monitoring the observations were made, examined the effect of the filtration process of the sludge storage tanks and pond storage of mine water Svistunova in the beam on the aquifer in Pont-Sarmatian sediments of Neogene. In the rocks of the aquifer revealed the presence of increased permeability zones (RFP), which control the spread of contaminated groundwater. Identified features of placing the RFP allowed except for the main direction of the filtration of contaminated groundwater to the west, toward the river valley. Ingulets, which is the basis for the erosion of the area, identify and southern direction, causing the further spread of these waters in large parts of both Dnipropetrovsk and Kherson regions. Repeated monitoring observations made in five years, showed a sharp decrease in apparent resistivity rocks unsaturated filtration zones at the same time, significant changes in the equation of the aquifer regime did not happen. All this may be indicative of activation of processes of pollution of the horizon and the presence of destructive changes in water-bearing limestone. Mineralized water in a more intensive filtering along the ZPP, enhance dissolution processes in the limestone, causing the formation of additional space in these rocks, and increases their water-based features. Humidification rocks unsaturated filtration area increases, in particular, due to the intensification of the process of water exchange with the horizon of groundwater in Quaternary sediments within the RFP, which sometimes affects the local reducing the latter. Over time along these areas due to the more active manifestations of karst processes, the formation of subsidence-flops forms karst topography suffosion. It is concluded that the deployment in the south Krivbass schlamohranilisch, gathering pond mineralized mine water, creates a significant negative impact on the underground hydrosphere, which increases with time and becomes irreversible, and therefore, the problem of disposing of highly mineralized mine waters in modern conditions remains relevant and It requires more radical solutions.

Keywords: groundwater filtration processes, sludge, mine waters, karst processes.


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