Olexander KOROL.


Regional peculiarities of the development of tourism in the Chernivtsi region are explored in the article. Identified, plotted on the map and describes the main tourist areas, in particular: Chernivtsi tourist region with the regional center and suburban recreational zone; tourist area «Bukovina Carpathians»; tourist zone «Dniester Canyon» with the center «Khotyn». Chernivtsi tourism nodal area has excursion and cognitive historical and architectural tourist specialization, located in the capital of Bukovina. The city can also be used as a base for suburban bus tours within the territory of Chernivtsi region. In this case same-day tourists (in some cases two days) accommodate in Chernivtsi and make trips by the existing road network to the country excursion objects. That is why, the development of tourism possible without significant investment by using existing material base and needs only organizational and marketing activities. Suburban recreational area around Chernivtsi, that occupied territory within a radius of 18 km from the regional center, has advanced infrastructure for walking and sightseeing, bathing, beach, skiing and other recreational activities. However, its recreational resources are not attractive for tourists. Therefore, suburban recreation area is entirely «tied» to the regional center. The tourist area «Bukovina Carpathians» has great opportunities for sports tourism on tracking, ski and water-sport specialization. It also developed agrotourism with resources for ecological and spa tourism. Analyzing the tourist and recreational opportunities the area, we can conclude that the Bukovina Carpathians have significant untapped potential. Its development is hampered by several unfavorable factors: the weak development of the tourism industry; poor state of nature because of insufficient environmental protection measures; poor development of road infrastructure and poor road conditions; no sound marketing policies that worked in the area as a whole. This problem needs improving local government programs for tourism development in the Chernivtsi region, particularly in infrastructure development, investment projects and marketing activities. Tourist Zone «Dniester Canyon» least well-developed tourist infrastructure. However, there may develop a river beach recreation, fishing, water tours and walks, including on boats and yachts; there are conditions for walking and cycling trips, spelunking. Today there are new tourist centers that focus on the Dniester reservoir closer to the dam. Dniester area also includes the tourist center «Khotyn», located in the same city. Here, on the banks of the Dniester River, is the fortress of – one of the greatest monuments of fortification Eastern Europe. It has the status of historical and architectural reserve and became one of the «seven wonders» of Ukraine.

Key words: tourism, recreation, regional analysis, territorial taxonomic units, district, node, center, zone, Chernivtsi, Bukovina Carpathians, Dniester canyon, Khotyn, White Krinitsa.


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