Publications related to the subject of geoecological condition of small rivers, theory and methodology of assessment of water use, the impact of technogenesis on river basins, environmental protection in river valleys are analyzed; the field research materials of the ecological state of Dzhuryn River valley are reviewed; geoecological state of the river basin is assessed; factors that form ecological state of natural constituents and geological situation as a whole are revealed. The most anthropogenized elements of the river valley are identified. Their assessment is conducted by using three morphological segments of the river valley. The influence of the features of the environmental management and population vital activities on the geoecological state of the river is evaluated; the ratio of natural and anthropogenic land in the vicinity of Dzhuryn river basin is examined; geoecological problems, existing and potential conservation areas in the territory of the study are revealed. The functional and spatial characteristics of water protection zones are analyzed, and the areas that do not meet regulatory requirements are identified. The features of the distribution of the isotopes of caesium-137 and strontium-90 radioactive contamination in the river basin and human settlements are examined. The state of hydro-reclamation systems and their impact on the water balance of the territory and the hydrological regime of watercourses is considered. The improvement of the general geoecological condition of the river basin is noted due to exclusion of those of arable lands that are located on the slopes with a gradient of more than 50, suspension of some open pits, two brick factories, a sharp decrease of the input of mineral and organic fertilizers and pesticides.

Keywords: small rivers, Dzhuryn River, river valley, river basin, geoecological condition, land use, land structure, water protection area, hydrological conservation objects.


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