In the article trends of migration process in the Kharkiv regional settlement system are investigated, which is based on the data analysis of regional statistical administrations. It was found out that in 2015 the migration process covered 160.200 inhabitants of Kharkiv regional settlement system. The changes in the people migration behavior that happened over 1995-2015 are indicated. During the period, the population decline in migration was replaced by migration increase. In the analysis it was elucidated that the Kharkiv regional settlement system is characterized by some higher migration rate of the population (0,9 ‰ in 2015) compared with the general index (0,3 ‰ in 2015). Among the regional systems of settlement, the highest index indicator takes up the Kharkiv regional settlement system, the lowest – the Sumy one. It was found that the migration mobility of the population in the Kharkov regional settlement system tends to decrease. In other words, in 2002-2015 rate of migration turnover halved. The analysis of migration patterns revealed the predominance of internal migration over external. However, internal migration turnover reduced (41.6% in 2003-2015.). Coefficient indexes of the migration increase among the population of different district settlements are compared. It was found that most of the district settlement systems (57.0%) have a negative index. The analysis of the migration process of different settlement types in the Kharkiv regional settlement system shows that migration turnover of citizens 2.5 times exceeds that in rural settlements. It was found that a number of settlements in the Kharkiv regional system, in general, is characterized by a positive migratory gain, except for the settlements of Sumy regional system.

Key words: migration, migration process, migration turnover, migration gain.


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