The main features of the formation of the category “natural-resource potential”, as the object of interdisciplinary research by three sciences: geography, economy and ecology are considered. Interpretation of the terms “potential” and “resource”, which form the research category have been characterized. The category “natural-resource potential” forms conceptual-terminological system (CTS) from terms of natural conditions and natural resources. During the researching, three tables which contain interpretations of scientists geographers, economists and ecologists CTS “natural-resource potential” have been formed. As a result of the analysis no clear distinction between the concepts of the natural conditions and natural resources as well as natural resources and natural resource potential was revealed. The place of the category “natural-resource potential”, within the subject of research of human geography – geospatial organization of natural-resource sphere, as one of the parts of society, was defined. Four features of geospatial organization of natural-resource sphere were characterized: mutual location of natural objects in geospace, availability of spatial relations, existence of geospatial natural-resource formations and their functioning. Based on the principles of the organization of geospatial natural-resource sphere, author’s interpretation of the human-geographical essence of terms “natural conditions”, “natural resources” and “natural resource potential” were suggested. A general conclusion is made concerning: the necessity of coherence of knowledge of natural-resource potential, as an interdisciplinary object; the absence of the investigate category in Western science, and its widespread use in the post-soviet space; the needs to consider CTS as part of the geospace components and natural-resource potential as the third level of the geospatial organization of natural resource sphere.

Keywords: natural-resource potential, geospatial organization of natural resource sphere, natural resources, natural conditions.


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