The paper analyzes the features of military landscapes, the concept of “military landscape” accepted working definition, marked signs military landscapes, short story and features of their study. Described military uneven distribution of objects of different historical periods in the territory of Dnipropetrovsk region associated with a variety of construction methods. The article states the reasons which cause the complexity of finding and using militaries landscapes. Developed and justified author’s classification militaries landscapes saved in the destination, which is based on the structural features and use, isolated and refined complexity related to the conservation of landscapes militaries area. Identified conservation problems militaries objects, among which economic, legal and ideological, proposed uses of the data objects. The author proposes to adopt the experience of foreign, especially European countries, and use the above objects for tourism purposes. Considered that militaries objects can be used in different types of tourism, and more often in the excursion-cognitive and military tourism. Objects offered tourist sights within the area, including both comprehensive and independent military and historical objects. Describes the developed military excursion destinations, indicated potential excursion objects that due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, are not used in organized tourism, and describes the problems highlighted their use, focuses on the fact that the use of military landscapes as objects sightseeing activities can be an important factor in the economic recovery of the region.

Keywords: military landscapes, Dnepropetrovsk region, classification purposes, the protection military landscapes, the use in tourism.


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