It is carried out the analysis of existing legal and methodical base, which concerns to a normative monetary assessment of the settlements’ lands (further NMA), namely definition of concept « local factors », way of definition of local factors’ coefficients of a monetary assessment of settlements’ lands. It is certain that these concepts are opened not to the fullest. In existing legal and methodical base it’s existing uncertainty in treatment of some concepts: the description of «coefficient КМ3» concept isn’t sustained, at a statement of its procedure of definition, in groups’ names of local factors. Absence of the certain stated procedure of local factors’ coefficients definition leads to numerous approaches of their calculation, some versions of definition of a normative monetary assessment of one land parcel at identical influence of local factors are appeared as consequence of mention above. In our opinion, it breaks the principle of NMA’s unambiguity. Ways of solution of these issues are offered in article: definitions of concepts of «local factors» and «coefficient КМ3», the procedure of coefficient КМ3 definition; are brought into accord names of rent-forming local factors’ groups and it is offered to match them by appropriate indexes. It is stated, stipulated by Order of a normative monetary assessment of agricultural and settlements’ lands, a principle of local factors’ coefficients definition from the range of certain values at such ways: at a partial covering of land parcel territory by the local factor  – for positive local factors cost of land parcel is rising and for negative local factors cost of land parcel is decreasing; in case of full territory of land parcel coverage by the local factor.

Key words: landmanagement, state land cadastre, normative land assessment of lands of settlements (NMA), local factors.


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